cutlery mayhem

So Friday started just like any other day. I had an event to cover and as always I was happy because it’s only in the field where a journalist’s light shines the brightest. We were going to cover a graduation Ceremony for the Kenya Institute of Special Education, so we got there covered the eventContinue reading “cutlery mayhem”

Quit Complaining

A wise man once told me that if you dont like something change it, if you cant change it then change your attitude and stop complaining. Many are times that we fail and put all the blame on a situation or a condition forgetting that we are in control of these things. Think of itContinue reading “Quit Complaining”

Keys to a longlasting relationship

Everyone wants that longlasting perfect relationship. No one wants a relationship that would only last for a few months, some of us want to even have relationships that end up in marriage but sadly this is not always the case in most relationship. Not that we are pathetic in keeping relations or we ain’t beautifulContinue reading “Keys to a longlasting relationship”


Sometimes when you love mysteries too much you become one. Well, i know its hard to grasp what am trying to say but if you think about it when you try to change yourself only for a person or when you try so hard to be something you are not, you end up becoming thatContinue reading “FOOD FOR THOUGHT”


Waking up today i thought to myself,, why do we always give up whenever we try something and fail yet chances are that was the big break you were waiting for. You know sometimes we have to accept we are humans and failing is inevitable. Everyone fails somehow but what matters is how we striveContinue reading “LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE”

I consider myself your star

I consider myself your star I might not be that bright but atleast I shed some light I consider myself your shining armour I might not be that strong to fight but when the time comes I’ll do what’s right I consider myself your sun I might not be that hot But to let youContinue reading “I consider myself your star”


THINK ABOUT IT…….. Sometimes life gives you a situation that’s beyond your decisions,, it comes with a force that understanding its course is just but another cause for stress ,,and matter how hard you press on,or how much you try to express and impress at the same time you end up embracing the dark sideContinue reading “THINK ABOUT IT……..”